At the age of eight, a young Benjamin Carson had dreams of becoming a missionary doctor, serving the poor in far-away lands at great personal risk. But just five years later, he aspired to the lucrative lifestyles of psychiatrists he saw portrayed on television.
Never did a young Benjamin Carson think he’d become the director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in 1984 at age 33, the youngest person at the time to ever have that distinction. His achievements include performing the first separation of conjoined twins joined at the back of the head. He was later a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
“What an incredible privilege it is to intervene in people’s lives,” Dr. Carson said while speaking at the Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast. “And to be able to, through the grace of God, give people a second chance at life.”

Dr. Carson was in Vero Beach on February 15 for the breakfast, which took place live at Riverside Park and drew 1,800 people and 255 volunteers. He was joined at the Prayer Breakfast by Guy Penrod, the former lead singer of the Gaither Vocal Band, who provided the inspirational music for the breakfast. Other speakers included Dr. Marshall Foster from the World History Institute and John Bona, founder of the Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast.
“When people come together bound by the spirit of Christ, a shared commitment and a great love for one another, extraordinary things happen,” said Bona. “Today we are linked to other communities that share our same desire to deepen the spiritual life and strengthen the moral fiber of our communities.”
When he began speaking, Dr. Carson commented on the large crowd that had gathered in Vero Beach under bright and sunny skies to honor the Lord.
“I don’t know about you but I’ve already been blessed by what’s going on here this morning,” Dr. Carson told the people gathered in the revival tent to pray. “For me, it’s always been about God and this gathering is just fantastic.”
Dr. Carson shared his thoughts about his faith and values, and the importance of faith in today’s world."Faith teaches us how to relate to our fellow man,” Dr. Carson said. “The Bible teaches us to love our neighbor, not cancel your neighbor if they don’t agree with you. We
Americans are not each other’s enemies.”
As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Carson has seen the power of the human brain and is still in awe of it.
“The human brain is made in the image of God; it’s an incredible organ system. Your brain has billions and billions of neurons, hundreds of billions of interconnections. It can process more than two million bits of information in one second. If you learn one new fact every second, it would take more than three million years to challenge the capacity of your brain. You can’t overload your brain; you are made in the image of God.”
Dr. Carson and his wife Candy are strong supporters of the pro-life movement, something he addressed during the prayer breakfast.
“We live in a society now that does not value life,” said Dr. Carson. “From the womb to the tomb, we have a responsibility to value life. We should trust God – man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. He will give us what we need to do what needs to be done. He will never ask you to do something and leave you in the lurch. We must have that faith in God.”